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Demystifying Animal Communication

Big changes are part of life – a new baby… a move to a bigger or smaller home or apartment… a death in the family… a change in career or job that affects your stress level or your time at home. When change happens in your life, have you wondered how it may affect your animals, and what, if anything, you can do to make the transition smoother or easier for your animal companion(s)?

Many of our clients have consulted with Joan Ranquet at times like those. Joan is a gifted animal communicator, author, teacher and speaker who has worked with thousands of individual pet owners, dog, cat and horse trainers, barn managers and vets.

In addition to helping clients individually with their pets, Joan is a firm believer that animal communication is a skill that can be nurtured and honed. She expertly demystifies animal communication for anyone who is interested by giving free classes such as the one we are hosting at the clinic next week.

Joan will be at Harmony Animal Wellness Center on Thursday, Sept 20th, for private sessions and a fun, informative class.
(click here for details)

Below are some questions our clients have asked Dr. Frank about Joan’s work.


Q: How long have you known Joan Ranquet?

Dr. Frank: I have known Joan for approximately 4 years.

Q: What are your feelings regarding animal communication in general?

Dr. Frank: I have seen Joan’s sessions help our clients in several ways. I believe we all have the ability to communicate with animals at some level, but it means being aware and in tune with them. Joan is excellent at “tuning in” as well as teaching us how to be more aware and listen. This is invaluable to our relationship to our pets and deepens those relationships.

Q: Can you relate some personal or client experiences with Joan?

Dr. Frank: Joan has done readings on my own pets and was very accurate in those readings. In addition, I have seen the most beneficial results from clients with aging pets who have sought her advise regarding end of life issues. Her insights in her readings were appropriate and very helpful for the clients in making those tough decisions such as end of life. Several of our clients have repeatedly called Joan for assistance through various life changes and have found her guidance extremely helpful.

Q: Do you consult with Joan regarding your patient’s medical issues?

Dr. Frank: I am very comfortable with my clients who have consulted with Joan. My expertise is in the medical field. I do take her information into consideration as I develop my diagnostics and prepare my recommendations for the pet’s treatment plan.


To learn more about Joan and animal communication, come to her class and/or schedule a personal session on Sept 20th if you live in the Puget Sound area. Click here for a flyer with more information.

In addition, there is a wealth of information on Joan’s website including how to arrange phone consultations if you do not live in the area, and links to purchase her new ebook, Animal Communication 101, her CD and her hardcopy book.

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